Film Studies: An Introduction (Film and Culture Series)

Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Movies

Film Studies: An Introduction (Film and Culture Series) Details

Review [Sikov] has produced one of the most comprehensive and accessible texts of its type and it is likely to become a staple for introductory film studies curricula. (Metapsychology)Film Studies: An Introduction offers the clearest and most concise introduction to the field. (PLAYBACK)A valuable tool for the beginning film scholar.... [Sikov] establishes a firm foundation on which to build for further film analysis and appreciation. (Journal of Social and Human Sciences)Engaging and affordable, Sikov's Film Studies: An Introduction is an ideal and concise textbook for professors to supplement with articles of their own choosing in order to introduce students to various cultural and ideological approaches to film analysis. (Elisabeth Weis, Brooklyn College)A wonderful introductory text. Sikov's Film Studies: An Introduction discusses film form in very clear and thoughtful ways while emphasizing the thematic and intellectual value of form, making an 'academic' topic deeper and more humane. Very highly recommended. (George Butte, Colorado College)Film Studies: An Introduction is a superb, remarkably efficient textbook. One of the best prose stylists in film studies, Sikov is witty and precise, providing a perfect model for the student looking to write better papers. (Patrick Keating, author of Hollywood Lighting From the Silent Era to Film Noir) Read more About the Author Ed Sikov has taught at Haverford College, Colorado College, and Columbia University. He is the author of seven books, including On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder, Dark Victory: The Life of Bette Davis, Mr. Strangelove: A Biography of Peter Sellers, and Laughing Hysterically: American Screen Comedy of the 1950s. He lives in New York City. Read more


This was the the text for an online film course I did over the summer at a major university, and the teacher basically just had us go through this book and do the activities. If I didn't have to check the box that I took this class for credit, I could've saved a lot of money and just bought this book and worked through it by myself.I cannot say enough good things about Sikov. In the introduction he's pretty up-front about the fact that this isn't a lofty film studies book for egg heads and super-nerds (not that there's anything wrong with those types). It's a very basic introductory text to the discipline of film studies, written in educated but not difficult language, so anyone can pick it up and read it. Each chapter handles a different aspect of feature length narrative film, then has an activity that shows you how to analyze a film or scene based on the material covered. Each chapter, while still covering different topics, builds off of the last one, so the book culminates in giving you all the skills you need to write a full film analysis of your own. It's also got a solid glossary and index, so as you move on to applying what you've learned, it's easy to go back and re-read parts you might need a refresher on.I'm actually writing this review as I purchase a second copy for a friend who's considering pursuing a career in cinematography and videography.

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